What to Expect When Switching to Vaping
Vaping is one of the most common alternatives for smokers to get the nicotine that their body is craving. This means that there is a wealth of information available so you know exactly what to expect when you switch to vaping from smoking.
Making the switch from cigarettes to e-cigs is as prevalent as it has ever been, so you are not alone in the first steps of your vaping journey. In this guide, we will have a look at how hard it is to switch to vaping, the benefits of e-cigs and hints and tips to help your transition even easier.
Is Switching to Vaping Hard?
Hard is a subjective word, and it varies widely from person to person. Some smokers can pick up an e-cig and never touch a cigarette again, others need a few weeks before they can kick the habit, while some vapers will always dual-use (both vape and smoke).
An important first step is finding the very best vape kit for you. There is an ideal e-cig for everyone, but there can be an element of trial and error in these first few steps, this is where some people stumble.
The right e-cig and e-liquid combo is key, otherwise, you will never be able to kick the habit for good, and with so much choice it can be overwhelming at first. Luckily with The Electronic Cigarette Company, we make it extremely simple for first-time vapers, thanks to our starter kit section and helpful guides.
Customising your vaping experience is also an important component of your initial steps into the world of vaping. Make sure you have a selection of e-liquid nicotine strengths and flavours so you can switch them up when needed.
Benefits of Switching to Vaping
A recent study showed that vaping is over three times more effective than traditional Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT).
But what does this mean? It means that when you choose to make the switch from smoking to e-cigs, you are much more likely to succeed than if you chose another path.
When you switch to vaping, it not only tastes much better than smoking, you start to feel the positive impact quickly and most people pick up an e-cig and stop smoking. But remember, everyone is different and picking the right e-cig kit and e-liquid combination is important.
Side Effects of Switching to Vaping
When you first make the switch to vaping, there are some common ‘side effects’ that you may experience, but all are extremely mild and can be combatted quickly.
You might cough
Almost all smokers will cough when they first make the switch to vaping, this is completely normal. Vaping feels very different to smoking, and it can take a day or two to get used to the sensation. If you are still coughing when you vape after a few days, you might need to switch up your e-liquid. Try a lower nicotine strength or choose a nic salt vape juice instead.
You can vape too much
Just like you can smoke too much, you can vape too much as well. But don’t panic. If you do vape too much, you might get a mild headache, dizziness, or feel slightly nauseous. If this happens, stop vaping and wait for it to pass. If you are constantly getting these effects, your nicotine strength is probably too high, try a lower strength.
Your vape might leak
Anything that holds a liquid has the ability to leak. E-cigs have e-liquid in them, vape tanks also have holes for the airflow, and this means your vape can leak. But it shouldn’t leak all the time, this usually happens when you have just started vaping, and it is usually down to one thing, how you are vaping. When you smoke, the harder you draw, the more hit you get from your cigarette because it is already burning. With vaping, it is the opposite, you have to give your e-cig time to do its job, if you draw too hard and sharp you will pull too much e-liquid into the coil and it will leak. Long, slow, steady draws are key.
Health Effects of Vaping
UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) states that e-cigarettes are at least 95% safer than smoking[1].
Within 20 minutes of you starting to vape, your body will start to feel the effects of you kicking the cigarettes.
- 20 minutes - Your heart rate is starting to return to normal.
- 2 hours - Your heart rate and blood pressure will be at nearly normal levels. This is where smokers going cold turkey start to experience cravings, as a vaper you are still getting your nicotine, no cravings for you.
- 12 hours - The carbon monoxide is leaving your body. Vaping has no nasties like tar or carbon monoxide, so your body is starting to purge itself of these harmful toxins.
- 24 hours - Your lungs will start to rid themselves of the harmful build-up that comes from smoking. This can mean a cough for a little while but don’t panic and keep going.
- 48 hours - Your sense of taste and smell will start to come back, things might start to taste as they should, and you can smell more than before.
As you can see, all of this happens within just two days of you stopping smoking and making the switch to vaping. As you are not going cold turkey and all of your smoking triggers are covered with vaping, you will start to feel the benefits quickly.
What to Expect in The First Week of Vaping
Quitting smoking is challenging, but making the switch to vaping makes it so much easier. To avoid falling back into smoking habits, it is best to be prepared and know exactly what to expect from your first week of vaping.
Keep your vape on you
You might have been smoking for decades, which means you have a habit that has been formed over tens of years. This will take time to get out of, so in the first week make sure you always have your e-cig on you. This means that when you would usually have a cigarette, you can vape instead.
Keep your e-cig charged
There is no point in keeping your e-cig on you all the time if you haven’t got it charged up. If needed, buy an extra vape battery that you keep on you fully charged, this will stop you from ever getting caught short.
Shop vape battery chargers here
Make sure you are maintaining your battery correctly and safely by reading our Battery Safety Guide. For more information about batteries, check out The Ultimate Guide to E-cig Batteries.
Watch out for cravings
Understanding nicotine cravings is important. Learn to spot if you are craving nicotine, and if you are, have a vape to get your nicotine. If you are constantly craving even after you have had a vape, it might mean that your nicotine strength is too low in your e-liquid. Consider going up a strength until you have your cravings under control.
Have spare coils
Vape coils are a consumable item. In short, this means that they eventually stop working. How long they last depends on how much you vape, the e-liquid you are using, what type of coil you have and what power your e-cig outputs. As you may be vaping more in your first week, your coils might stop working quicker. So make sure you have spares for your spares.
Tips for Switching from Smoking to Vaping Successfully
Below are our top tips to make the switch from smoking to vaping worthwhile, consistent, and enjoyable.
Get A Good Starter Kit
The right kit for you and your journey is so important. A vape starter kit is the best place to start, as they come with everything you need to get vaping as soon as your order arrives, including e-liquid. Ask yourself what you want to get out of your vape and base your kit choice around this.
Make the switch to vaping with a starter kit from TECC
Keep Mods Simple
If you want to choose a vape mod rather than an e-cig starter kit, that’s fine, but keep it as simple as possible. While shiny new things are attractive, remember your goal is to get yourself off the cigarettes and onto vaping. If you pick a vape mod with all the bells and whistles, you are setting yourself up for frustration and failure, especially if you haven’t vaped before.
Find Your Favourite E-liquid
There are hundreds of flavours and plenty of nicotine strengths to pick from. But don’t buy in bulk until you know what you actually enjoy vaping and what nicotine strength curbs your cravings. Try to stick to simple flavours at first, such as tobacco or menthol. Once you have found a flavour you like and can vape all day, stick to that for a while.
Gradually Switch with Dual Use
Not everyone can pick up an e-cig and put down the cigarettes. Everyone is different. So if you need to have your cig in the morning with a brew, that’s fine, as long as you are cutting down you are going in the right direction. Slowly taper down the number of cigarettes you are smoking if you find quitting instantly too hard.
Choose Nicotine Strengths
Nicotine strength is key. It’s great if you find an e-liquid flavour that you love. But if you have the wrong nicotine strength, you will find yourself constantly having to vape or getting some mild side effects from a strength that is too strong.
Making the Switch with The Electronic Cigarette Company
The Electronic Cigarette Company has been helping smokers make the switch to vaping for over a decade. This means we know exactly what it takes to make the switch to vaping.
Start in our vape starter kit section and go from there. If you need any help choosing your first kit and e-liquid, try our live chat, where our friendly customer service team are on hand to help.